Friday, February 20, 2015

Introducing L&M Bling......

In Today's Bling Blog I wanted to introduce myself.  I'm Laurie Crafton, and together with my daughter, Makayla Crafton, we have created L&M Bling.  We have competed for years in pageants and of course been to our share of homecoming dances and proms.  

If you have a daughter then you know that each outfit must have a matching pair of earrings. God forbid we ask our daughters to wear the same pair of earrings with multiple outfits!

If you've been down this path you know how expensive this can be for a truly elegant pair of earrings. If you haven't gone down this will.  

In pageantry and prom, there are so many different outfits and I was going broke buying good quality earrings that were going to last! I was also having trouble even locating what I needed. I knew there had to be a better way.

I bring you L&M Bling. I am working with wholesalers to bring you the best prices for quality premium earrings and accessories so that you can afford your daughter's wishes to have multiple pairs of gorgeous earrings for her outfits....and maybe some for you too!!

My company's mission is to provide premium earrings and accessories at affordable prices.  

We are opening with a few items to get a feel of what everyone likes.  If you don't see the size, color or design you're looking for, just let me know. I can probably find it for you!

I'd love to hear from you in the comments section below!
Until next time, here's hoping your day is filled with Bling!

L&M Bling on Facebook

Visit our online store: L&M Bling

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