Saturday, February 28, 2015

Does The Jewelry Make The Woman Or The Woman Make The Jewelry?

In Today's Bling Blog I'm pondering this subject of does the jewelry make the woman or the woman make the jewelry, and I have several opinions.  My opinions seem to contradict each other but I think that's okay.  It's kind of like pros and cons.

I would say that any outfit is not complete without adding accessories.  However, I think today's woman wants to add accessories to enhance the beauty of herself and her outfit.

I mean think about it, most jewelry is bought by who?  A woman.  Yes, the occasional man hops in there but for the most part, the fashion jewelry is a woman's domain.  The real reason they buy jewelry is because they want it, they love it!

My thoughts on today's woman is that they are not even wearing the jewelry to attract a man's attention.  They again are wearing it because they love it, it's something new to them, it gives them value and usually each piece is hand picked for a different occasion giving each piece a meaning that will always be attached to that piece.

Goodness, seems it's a hard question to answer that can lead one in circles!

What do you think?

Until next time, here's hoping your day is filled with Bling!

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